A little more about me...
As a designer and marketer, I have been responsible for the design and development of a wide range of projects including large print format designs, monthly subscription adult learning experiences, the concept and execution of photo/video shoots, designing a large range of websites, games, concept ideation, and more. 
I greatly appreciate supervising younger designers and have begun multiple mentoring and training programs. My passion for branding, photography, and storytelling has been lifelong, and I look forward to seeing what we can create together.
Some of my more notable accomplishments are:
Winning a Silver MM&M Award for my work on "Bag the Boss" with Stemline Pharmaceuticals (2022)
Winning a Silver Award at the MM&M "Pitch Slam" (2020)
Winning a Gold MM&M Award for my work on "Escape the Castle" with EUSA Pharma (2020)
Designing packaging for two different "Tarte Cosmetics" products (2015)

Some of my passions include
Cooking / Healthy Living
Cooking / Healthy Living
Fine Art
Fine Art
Nail design
Nail design
Travel & Fashion
Travel & Fashion

Just for fun, here are some things that inspire me
Drop me a note and let's chat, or check me out on social media
Thank you, Rachel will be in touch shortly!
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